
How do I get here? Setup ► Provisioning ►Carriers
Products ►Carrier Inventory

Maintenance tool for all Carriers available within the system. These Carriers are available throughout TBS via a Carrier dropdown on all product pages and trouble tickets.

For Integrated Products, a Carrier Inventory Detail record must be setup in the Charges & Plans inventory and then it can be tied to a Product to indicate service with that Carrier using active/disco dates.

Here is a list of all currently supported Carriers.

Security All can View. Add, Update & Delete based on Maintenance Module
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions View Here


View Carriers - All Carriers are displayed in the Carriers grid. Use the Select link to view the details of an existing Carrier

Carrier Detail Information-

Associated Charges & Plans Inventory Records

The Associated Charges & Plans Inventory Records tab show all Inventory records that point to this carrier.

Associated Charges & Plans tab

The Associated Charges & Plans tab show all products that have a Detail Element tied to it for the selected Carrier. This grid will show Active and Inactive Carrier Details.


Submitted To Center

Used in Task Tickets, allows a Carrier to have one or more Centers that Clients can select when entering Trouble Ticket information.

Carrier of Record Products

Carrier of Record is meant to show which Carrier "owns" the Product (phone number). For example, on Phone Numbers or DID lines, the Carrier of Record would be set to the LEC or Provider that provided the number.

Carrier of Record is informational only and NOT used for any Care Provisioning. All provisioning activity is driven by the Carrier information set on Charge & Plan Inventory records.

Carrier Data Definition Fields

Field Name Definition Notes
Carrier Name –

Name of the carrier which appears in the Inter Carrier and Intra Carrier drop-down lists on the product screen

This field is required

Carrier Code Abbreviation for the carrier which populates the Carrier field in the product(s) table  
CIC Carrier Identification Code - a four digit identifier which populates the Inter CIC and Intra CIC fields on the product screen  
Display Determines if the Carrier will appear in the Inter Carrier and Intra Carrier drop-down lists on the product screen  

Allow setup of FTP connection information to automatically gather/download CDRs for this carrier.

Associated Charge & Plan Inventory Records Tab A Carrier must first be tied to a Charge & Plan Inventory record before it can then be tied to a product. This tab shows all Inventory records pointing to this Carrier Only available for Integrated Product Clients
Associated Charged & Plans Tab This tab will show all products that have an Inventory detail tied to it for this Carrier. It will show Active and Disconnected Detail records. Only available for Integrated Product Clients